Youth at Redeemer

Redeemer Youth ministry exists to come alongside parents in discipling their youth aged children (Junior High - High School). This is accomplished through weekly youth meetings, fun events, and mentoring relationships.

Wednesday Night Youth Meetings

The youth ministry meets at Redeemer Baptist Church every Wednesday night from 6:45-8:45pm (contact Brandon Burns for specific details) for teaching, games, prayer, and discussion groups. All youth are welcomed to this meeting and encouraged to gather with the church on Sunday mornings as well.


Mentorship groups are composed of one youth mentor and 1-3 youth. The purpose of these groups is to partner with parents to disciple their youth into spiritual maturity through learning, discussing, and praying through scripture.


Contact Brandon Burns ( for more information and how to get connected.

Click the button below to receive updates about our Youth Ministry.

Our youth ministry leaders would love to come and support you by being present at your activities so please fill out this form to let us know all the details we would need to know to support you!